I-O 2677e Ethernet Display User s Guide
Printer Operation
Display communicating with host system
The cursor position in the currently active
session, row/column.
Input inhibited
Insert mode active
Shift Lock
– Shown on the Start Task bar.
Shortcut Key Sequences
There are a number of additional features and functions of the 2677e that can be accessed using the
Setup Menus.
Most of these sequences are listed on help screens that may be viewed at any time a
session is active.
The following
Help Screens
can be accessed by mouse or by using the key sequence ALT-F, ALT-E or
‘. After making any changes to a session you will need to go to File and Save Session, otherwise
closing the session will clear out any configuration changes that were made.
Jump to another Session
Press the Alt-Esc key sequence to switch from one session to another or use the mouse to click on the
desired session on the Status Bar.