I-O 2677e Ethernet Display User s Guide
Printer Operation
Quality ¬F6199,30saves¬F6199,12 you time and money.
Here’s how the print will look:
you time and money.
The ¬F6199,12 following "saves" returns the printing back to the original font. The numbers
following the comma (¬F6199,30 and ¬F6199,12) set the point size of a proportional font (such as
Arial) and the pitch size of a fixed pitch (such as Courier).
To print fonts that are not already supported through your I-O 5250 printer emulation module, refer to
the Host Download Command No. 21 Font Strings.
Paper Output Bin Selection
The I-O 5250 prin
ter emulation module allows you to direct host print jobs to any of the printer’s
available output bins. The HP LaserJet P4015, for instance, can be equipped with the optional multi-bin
mailbox, which offers 5 additional output bins.
To send a host job to a particular output bin, insert an I-O output command on the first line (line 1,
position 1) of the document/report. The I-O output command consists of the "logical not" (¬) or the
"caret" (^) symbol followed by a capital letter "O" (for Output) and two digits designating the destination
bin. The two-
digit number corresponds to the printer’s PCL command for the particular output bin.
Once an output bin is selected, all host print jobs will be directed to that output bin. To send host print
jobs to another output bin, insert a second I-O command. ¬O00 causes the printer server to not send
any output instructions to the printer. All print jobs will be directed to the output bin set through the
printer’s operator panel.
The I-O output commands are as follows:
PCL Command
Automatic Selection
Selects output bin #1
Selects output bin #2
Selects output bin #3
Selects output bin #4
Selects output bin #5
¬O06 to 99
Selects output bin #6 to 99
(Not yet assigned)
Print Orientation
When operating the I-O 5250 printer emulation module in IBM 3812-1 emulation mode, the print
orientation of the host document or report is determined by a variety of factors. These factors, in order
of their impact on the final print orientation, are:
1. Page Rotation specified in the printer file of a data processing document or in the document format
menu of a word processing document.
2. Automatic Print Orientation (APO) setting on the I-O 5250 printer emulation module.
3. Print Orientation setting on I-O 5250 printer emulation module.
Refer to the following COR Flowchart diagram as you read the description of the page rotation,
automatic print orientation, and print orientation settings that illustrate the print orientation logic.