I-O 2677e Ethernet Display User s Guide
Non-alphabetic data was attempted to be entered into an
alphabetic field. Valid characters are A-Z, a blank, a
comma, a period, and a hyphen.
• Press RESET and use valid characters.
Non-numeric data was attempted to be entered into a
numeric only field. Valid characters are 0-9, a blank, a
comma, a period, and a hyphen.
• Press RESET and use valid characters.
Data was entered into a field that will only accept signed
numeric data. Valid characters are 0-9.
• Press RESET and use valid characters.
Data was entered into the last position of a signed
numeric field.
• Press RESET and make sure that the data is correct.
Exit the field by using the Field -, Field +, or Field Exit keys.
The cursor is either in the last position of the field or there
are no spaces in the field.
• Press RESET. Correct the field, if necessary. The insert
key may not be used to change data or to enter the last
character into the field.
• 0013
After pressing the Insert key, you attempted to leave a
• Press RESET.
A key function was pressed that moves the cursor out of
the field. However, the requirements of the mandatory-fill
field have not been met. (Mandatory-fill fields must be filled
completely or left blank.)
• Press RESET and enter data to fill the entire field, or
move the cursor to the start of the field and use the Field -,
Field +, or Field Exit keys to blank out the entire field.
Data was entered in the self-check field. The number and
the digit you just entered do not correspond.
• Press RESET and verify numbers entered. If numbers
are valid, but error still occurs, contact your systems