Read the terms of the EULA and then follow the instructions displayed to complete the Setup
process. When prompted, enter the Product Identification Number.
You must enter the Product Identification Number before you can continue Setup.
You cannot complete Setup if you do not enter this number.
Accept the default settings provided by Setup, except as noted in the following text.
When setting up the operating system software, remember the following:
When prompted to create an Emergency Repair Disk, do so.
If prompted to enter a password for the Administrator account, do so.
If you do not create a user account during Setup, press
or select OK at the logon dialog
to log on to the operating system.
You can use the C:\
386 directory when prompted for the location of the operating system’s
Setup files. If you delete the
386 directory from the system’s hard disk, you must have access
to an operating system CD-ROM to use the operating system’s Setup files.
After you complete Setup and restart the system, you can set up a user account and join a
workgroup or domain if needed. See the operating system documentation and operating system
Help for more information on Setup, creating a user account, and joining a workgroup or domain.
Finishing Setup
After operating system Setup completes, a Press to finish setup icon displays on the operating
system desktop. Double-click this icon, or go to Programs/InterSite/Welcome on the operating
system Start menu, to display InterSite Welcome.
InterSite Welcome helps you create a repair disk for the operating system, and create backup
diskettes of device driver software and other system software products. You can use InterSite
Welcome to get the latest driver and other system software from the World Wide Web, and to
learn more about customer support.
You should take advantage of the tools provided by InterSite Welcome to ensure that your system
is fully ready for use. See InterSite Welcome for more information. Also see the following
sections for information on creating a repair disk and creating backup diskettes.