4 Troubleshooting
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4.2 Symptoms and Solutions
No. Fault Symptom
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
There is no
display while
There is no power supply to the AC
drive or the power input to the AC
drive is too low.
Check the power supply.
The switching power supply on the
drive board of the AC drive is faulty. Check the bus voltage.
The cable connecting the control
board and the drive board and the
operating panel is broken.
Re-connect the 8-pin wire and 40-pin
The pre-charge resistor of the AC
drive is damaged.
Contact the agent or Inovance for
technical support.
The control board or operating
panel is faulty.
The rectifier bridge is damaged.
2 "HC" is displayed
while power-on.
The cable connecting the drive
board and the control board is in
poor contact.
Re-connect the 8-pin wire and 28-pin
Related components on the control
board are damaged.
Contact the agent or Inovance for
technical support.
The motor or motor cable is short
circuited to the ground.
The hall is damaged.
The grid voltage is too low.
"Err23" is
displayed while
The motor or motor cable is short
circuited to the ground.
Use an insulation tester to measure
the insulation resistance of the motor
and motor cable.
The AC drive is damaged.
Contact the agent or Inovance for
technical support.
The display is
normal while
power-on. But
after running,
is displayed
and the AC drive
stops immedi-
The cooling fan is damaged or
locked-rotor occurs.
Replace the damaged fan.
The cable of the external control
terminal is short circuited.
Eliminate the external short-circuit
overheat) is de-
tected frequent-
The setting of carrier frequency is
too high.
1. Reduce F0-15 (Carrier frequency).
The cooling fan is damaged, or
ventilation is clogged.
Replace the fan or clean the ventila-
Components inside the AC drive are
damaged (thermistor or others).
Contact the agent or Inovance for
technical support.