6: D
D8312-D8315, D8338-D8341 Default Gateway
Default gateway is stored in data registers as shown below.
Example) Default gateway: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8312=aaa, D8313=bbb, D8314=ccc, D8315=ddd
D8316-D8319, D8342-D8345 Preferred DNS Server
Preferred DNS server address is stored in data registers as shown below.
Example) Preferred DNS server: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8316=aaa, D8317=bbb, D8318=ccc, D8319=ddd
D8320-D8323, D8346-D8349 Alternate DNS Server
Alternate DNS server address is stored in data registers as shown below.
Example) Alternate DNS server: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8320=aaa, D8321=bbb, D8322=ccc, D8323=ddd
D8324-D8329 MAC Address
MAC address is stored in data registers as shown below.
Example) MAC address: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF
D8324=AA, D8325=BB, D8326=CC, D8327=DD, D8328=EE, D8329=FF
D8350-D8361 Maintenance Communication Server (1 through 3) Connected IP Address
The IP address of the remote host accessing the maintenance communication server is stored in special data registers.
Example) Maintenance Communication Server 1 Connected IP Address: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8350=aaa, D8351=bbb, D8352=ccc, D8353=ddd
D8362-D8393 Server Connection (1 through 8) Connected IP Address
The IP address of the remote host accessing the server connection 1 through 8 is stored in special data registers.
Example) Server Connection 1 Connected IP Address: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8362=aaa, D8363=bbb, D8364=ccc, D8365=ddd
D8394-D8405 Client Connection (1 through 3) Remote IP Address
The IP address of the remote host that the client connection 1 through 3 is accessing is stored in special data registers.
Example) Client Connection 1 Remote IP Address: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
D8394=aaa, D8395=bbb, D8396=ccc, D8397=ddd
D8413 Time Zone Offset
The time zone configured in the Function Area Settings can be adjusted with a multiple of 15 minutes. For details, see
chapter 5 of FC5A User's Manual Web Server Vol.
D8414-D8420 Obtained from SNTP
When the SNTP server function is enabled, time data obtained from an SNTP server is adjusted according to the time
zone, and the adjusted time is stored in special data registers D8414 to D8420. For details about the SNTP server and
time zones, see Chapter 5 of FC5A User’s Manual Web Server CPU Module Volume.
D8421-D8431 Port Number of Client
While a remote client is connecting to the server, the port number of the client is stored in the corresponding special
data register.
D8457 EMAIL Error Information
The error information of EMAIL instruction execution is stored in D8457. For detail about EMAIL instruction, see chapter
10 of FC5A User's Manual Web Server Vol.
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