8: A
Structure of an Advanced Instruction
Repeat Designation
Specifies whether repeat is used for the device or not.
Repeat Cycles
Specifies the quantity of repeat cycles: 1 through 99.
S1 R
D1 R
The opcode is a symbol to identify the advanced instruction.
Data Type
Specifies the word (W), integer (I), double word (D), long (L),
or float (F) data type.
Source Device
The source device specifies the 16- or 32-bit data to be pro-
cessed by the advanced instruction. Some advanced instruc-
tions require two source devices.
Destination Device
The destination device specifies the 16- or 32-bit data to
store the result of the advanced instruction. Some advanced
instructions require two destination devices.
Source Device
Repeat Cycles
Destination Device
Data Type
Input Condition for Advanced Instructions
Almost all advanced instructions must be preceded by a contact, except NOP (no operation), LABEL (label), LRET (label
return), and STPA (stop access) instructions. The input condition can be programmed using a bit device such as input,
output, internal relay, or shift register. Timer and counter can also be used as an input condition to turn on the contact
when the timer times out or the counter counts out.
S1 –
D1 –
While the input condition is on, the advanced instruction is
executed in each scan. To execute the advanced instruction
only at the rising or falling edge of the input, use the SOTU
or SOTD instruction.
While the input condition is off, the advanced instruction is not executed and device statuses are held.
Source and Destination Devices
The source and destination devices specify 16- or 32-bit data, depending on the selected data type. When a bit device
such as input, output, internal relay, or shift register is designated as a source or destination device, 16 or 32 points start-
ing with the designated number are processed as source or destination data. When a word device such as timer or coun-
ter is designated as a source device, the current value is read as source data. When a timer or counter is designated as a
destination device, the result of the advanced instruction is set to the preset value for the timer or counter. When a data
register is designated as a source or destination device, the data is read from or written to the designated data register.
Using Timer or Counter as Source Device
Since all timer instructions — TML (1-sec timer), TIM (100-ms timer), TMH (10-ms timer), and TMS (1-ms timer) —
subtract from the preset value, the current value is decremented from the preset value and indicates the remaining time.
As described above, when a timer is designated as a source device of an advanced instruction, the current value, or the
remaining time, of the timer is read as source data. Adding counters CNT start counting at 0, and the current value is
incremented up to the preset value. Reversible counters CDP and CUD start counting at the preset value and the current
value is incremented or decremented from the preset value. When any counter is designated as a source device of an
advanced instruction, the current value is read as source data.
Using Timer or Counter as Destination Device
As described above, when a timer or counter is designated as a destination device of an advanced instruction, the result
of the advanced instruction is set to the preset value of the timer or counter. Timer and counter preset values can be 0
through 65535.
When a timer or counter preset value is designated using a data register, the timer or counter cannot be designated as a
destination of an advanced instruction. When executing such an advanced instruction, a user program execution error
will result. For details of user program execution error, see page 13-6.
When a user program execution error occurs, the result is not set to the destination.
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