Password: Enter your SMTP Email Server password
Sender Email Address: Enter your email address
Port: Enter the SMTP Server port
Authentication: Select the SMTP Server’s authentication type from NO
Condition Settings for Sending E-mail by Alarm/Motion:
To send an email to up to three email recipients based on Motion or Alarm detected
by your Ax73RM camera, the following conditions must be met:
1. Alarm Input must be properly wired to the camera (See Section 3.3 I/O
Connectors for more information).
2. Alarm Input (Digital Input) must
be Enabled and configured in
the camera’s Alarm/Motion tab.
3. Motion Detection must be
Enabled and the Motion
Detection area must be
highlighted in the Preview
window of the camera’s Alarm/
Motion tab
4. SMTP Record Condition must be
set to either ALARM or MOTION
in the Network Recording tab.
5. Email recipient(s) must be configured in the Network Recording tab.
Subject: Enter the email subject
Message: Enter the body of the email message in the corresponding Condition
Setting for Sending Email by Alarm/Motion section.
Attach Image: Set to ON to attach a snapshot to the motion- or alarm-triggered
email message.
Email Address List:
Configure up to three
separate email recipients.
Set ENABLE, ALARM, and/or MOTION settings to ON and enter the email
address for each of the recipients in the corresponding field.