sat 805 Pulse Oximeter
Technical Data
Masimo Pulse Oximetry
Characteristic Data
Display range
1-100 %
25-240 1/min
without Movement, Adults,
Children and Newborns
25-240 1/min+/- 3 digits
with Movement, Adults, Children
and Newborns
25-240 1/min+/- 5 digits
without Movement, Adults and
70-100 %+/- 2 digits
0-69% not specified
without Movement, Newborns
70-100 %+/- 3 digits
0-69% not specified
under Movement, Adults, Children
and Newborns
70-100 %+/- 3 digits
0-69% not specified
1 %
1 1/min
Data update interval
1 Hz
1 Hz
The Masimo SET Technology with LNOP Adt sensors has been validated for no motion accuracy in human blood studies on healthy adult volunteers
in induced hypoxia studies in the range of 70-100% SpO
against a laboratory cooximeter and ECG monitor. This variation equals plus or minus one
standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population.
The Masimo SET Technology with LNOP Adt sensors has been validated for motion accuracy in human blood studies on healthy adult volunteers in
induced hypoxia studies while performing rubbing and tapping motions, at 2 to 4 Hz at an amplitude of 1 to 2 cm and a non-repetitive motion
between 1 to 5 Hz at an amplitude of 2 to 3 cm in induced hypoxia studies in the range of 70-100% SpO
against a laboratory co-oximeter and ECG
monitor. This variation equals plus or minus one standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population.
The Masimo SET Technology with LNOP Neo and Neo Pt sensors has been validated for neonatal motion accuracy in human blood studies on
neonates while moving the neonate's foot at 2 to 4 Hz at an amplitude of 1 to 2 cm against a laboratory co-oximeter and ECG monitor. This
variation equals plus or minus one standard deviation which encompasses 68% of the population.