LTE CPE B2368 User's
15 VoIP
Issue 01
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Modem work with any type of NAT router and eliminates the need
for communication STUN.
server address
Enter the IP address or domain name of the outbound SIP proxy.
server port
Enter the port number on which the outbound SIP proxy server
listens VoIP communications, if available. Otherwise field leave the
default value.
QoS tag
Setting priorities SIP TOS
Enter the number of tie-breaking mechanism DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) for the
transmission of messages SIP. LTE modem then creates a priority tag class of service
(CoS) with the number for the corresponding data transmission SIP.
Setting priorities RTP TOS
Enter the number of tie-breaking mechanism DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) for the
transmission of messages RTP. LTE modem then creates a priority tag class of service
(CoS) with the number for the corresponding data transmission RTP.
setting the timer
expiration time
Enter the expiration time SIP account under SIP registration server in seconds.
LTE modem will try to repeat automatically register your SIP account, once the
half time specified expiration date. (Time to expiration on the SIP registration
server may vary.)
Register Re-send
Enter the delay in seconds, during which the LTE modem must wait before
sending a repeat registration SIP account, if the first attempt fails and the
modem received no response.
connection expires
Enter the delay in seconds within which can be run SIP connection idle (no
streaming) before it is disconnected.
Enter the minimum time, in seconds, it can remain running SIP connection
idle (no streaming) before it is disconnected. Once the two SIP device
initiates SIP connection, must reach agreement on the time of expiration
connection for idle connections. This field specifies the shortest time
allowed for the LTE modem.
Selecting dialing interval
Selecting dialing interval
Enter the number of seconds expressing the desired length of the pause
between digits, and the start dialing the call. The value set by the speed of
entering the phone number.
Configuring the phone keys
Use this menu to define several shortcuts to activate certain functions of an LTE modem.
If you enter a shortcut key, which does not include the parameter " Call press " you hear
If you enter a shortcut key, which does not include the parameter " Call press " you hear
If you enter a shortcut key, which does not include the parameter " Call press " you hear
If you enter a shortcut key, which does not include the parameter " Call press " you hear
If you enter a shortcut key, which does not include the parameter " Call press " you hear
short acknowledgment tone. If it does not, it means that you have entered a keyboard shortcut