Using iLO 2 122
Graceful shutdown
The ability of the iLO 2 microprocessor to perform a graceful shutdown requires cooperation from the
operating system. In order to perform a graceful shutdown, the health driver must be loaded. iLO 2
communicates with the health driver, and the appropriate operating system method of safely shutting the
system down to ensure data integrity is performed.
In cases where the health driver is not loaded, the iLO 2 processor attempts using the operating system to
perform a graceful shutdown through the power button. iLO 2 emulates a physical power button press in
order to prompt the operating system to shutdown gracefully. The behavior of the operating system is
dependent on its configuration and settings for a power button press.
The EAAS configuration of the HOST ROM RBSU allows for the disabling of this automatic shutdown
feature. This configuration allows for the disabling of the automatic shutdown event except for in the most
extreme conditions where physical damage would result.
Starting with Windows Server® 2003, the computer group policy disables a graceful shutdown of the
system using a momentary press unless an Administrator is logged in to the operating system. To change
this setting and enable a graceful shutdown, do the following:
From a command prompt, execute the command
Set Computer Configuration>Windows Settings>Security Settings>Local Policies>Security
Options>Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on to
ProLiant BL p-Class Advanced management
iLO 2 Advanced is a standard component of ProLiant BL p-Class server blades that provides server health
and remote server blade manageability. Its features are accessed from a network client device using a
supported Web browser. In addition to other features, iLO 2 Advanced provides keyboard, mouse, and
video (text and graphics) capability for a server blade, regardless of the state of the host operating system
or host server blade.
iLO 2 includes an intelligent microprocessor, secure memory, and a dedicated network interface. This
design makes iLO 2 independent of the host server blade and its operating system. iLO 2 provides remote
access to any authorized network client, sends alerts, and provides other server blade management
Using a supported Web browser, you can:
Remotely access the console of the host server blade, including all text mode and graphics mode
screens with full keyboard and mouse controls.
Remotely power up, power down, or reboot the host server blade.
Remotely boot a host server blade to a virtual diskette image to perform a ROM upgrade or install
an operating system.
Send alerts from iLO 2 Advanced regardless of the state of the host server blade.
Access advanced troubleshooting features provided by iLO 2 Advanced.
Launch a Web browser, use SNMP alerting, and diagnose the server blade using HP Systems Insight
Configure static IP bay settings for the dedicated iLO 2 management NICs on each server blade in
an enclosure for faster deployment.