Configuring iLO 2 61
Network Settings
The Network Settings page displays the NIC IP address, subnet mask, and other TCP/IP-related
information and settings. From the Network Settings screen, you can enable or disable DHCP and
configure a static IP address for servers not using DHCP. All users can view the network settings, but only
users with the Configure iLO 2 Settings privilege can change these settings. To access the Network
Settings page, click
The Network Settings page appears with the
following information and settings:
NIC enables you to set the iLO 2 NIC to Enabled, Disabled, or to Shared Network Port.
Enabled—Enables the primary iLO 2 network interface.
Disabled—Disables the iLO 2 network interface. You must use the iLO 2 RBSU or other host-
based scripting utility to re-enable the network interface.
Shared Network Port—Enables networking using the designated host Ethernet port. The port
appears as two separate Ethernet MACs and IP addresses on the network. See the section, "iLO
2 Shared Network Port (on page
)" for more information.
DHCP enables you to select static IP (disabled) or enables the use of a DHCP server to obtain an IP
address for the Integrated Lights-Out 2 subsystem.
You cannot set the iLO 2 IP Address and Subnet Mask if DHCP is enabled. Disabling DHCP enables
you to configure the IP address. The IP Address field also appears on the DHCP/DNS Settings page
for convenience. Changing the value on either page changes the DHCP setting.
IP Address is the iLO 2 IP address. If DHCP is used, the iLO 2 IP address is automatically supplied. If
not, enter a static IP address. The IP Address field appears on the DHCP/DNS page for
convenience. Entering values in the field on either page changes the IP address of the iLO 2.
Subnet Mask is the subnet mask of the iLO 2 IP network. If DHCP is used, the Subnet Mask is
automatically supplied. If not, enter the subnet mask for the network.
Gateway IP Address displays the IP address of the network gateway. If DHCP is in use, the Gateway
IP Address is automatically supplied. If not, enter the network gateway address.
iLO 2 Subsystem Name is a name used by the iLO 2 subsystem. If DHCP and DNS are configured
correctly, this name can be used to connect to the iLO 2 subsystem instead of the IP address. See
"iLO 2 subsystem name limitations (on page
)" for more information.
Link controls the speed and duplex of the iLO 2 network transceiver. The current link speed of the
primary dedicated iLO 2 NIC can be highlighted. Link settings include the following:
Automatic (default) enables iLO 2 to negotiate the highest supported link speed and duplex when
connected to the network.
100Mb/FD forces a 100-Mb connection using full duplex.
100Mb/HD forces a 100-Mb connection using half duplex.
10Mb/FD forces a 10-Mb connection using full duplex.
10Mb/HD forces a 10-Mb connection using half duplex.
If autosense is disabled, the network switch should match the iLO 2 settings to prevent iLO 2 access