Level 3 (Critical Applications) must be set to the highest level to ensure that FCoE traffic is given the
highest priority.
qos map-table dot1p-lp
import 0 export 0
import 1 export 0
import 2 export 0
import 3 export 1
import 4 export 0
import 5 export 0
import 6 export 0
import 7 export 0
2 Create an access control list (ACL) in the switch to allow FCoE (Ethernet protocol number 0x8906) and
FCoE Initiation Protocol (FIP) (Ethernet Protocol 0x8914) packets to pass through the switch.
This rule is also applied to the DCBX traffic classifier (created in a later step). FCoE and FIP packets on
the switch receive the highest priority because they are mapped to 802.1p priority value 3.
acl number 4000 name DCBX
rule 0 permit type 8906 ffff
rule 5 permit type 8914 ffff
3 Create a traffic classifier rule called DCBX with the operator class OR, and map it to ACL 4000, which
was created in the previous step.
traffic classifier DCBX operator or
if-match acl 4000
4 Create a traffic behavior named DCBX and configure it to mark packets with an 802.1.p priority of 3.
traffic behavior DCBX
remark dot1p 3
5 Create a QoS policy that associates the traffic classifier created in step 3 with the traffic behavior created
in step 4, and specify that this classifier-behavior mode is associated with DCBX.
qos policy DCBX
classifier DCBX behavior DCBX mode dcbx
Configure Interface FCoE Parameters
To enable FCoE traffic to be passed to the CNAs of the management servers and to each enclosure, you
must configure the interface with LLDP, DCBX support, and the previously created QoS policy.
1 In system-view, configure priority flow control and spanning tree.
To prevent FCoE packets from being dropped, enable priority flow control and ensure that any packet
with the dot1p classifier of 3 is not dropped and is forwarded. Also, setting the interfaces to edge ports in
2017 by Nimble Storage, Inc. All rights reserved.
Configure Interface FCoE Parameters