Install VMware vCenter Management Appliance
1 Navigate to the
directory in the location where you have mounted the
vCenter ISO.
2 Double-click the installer executable.
3 Select Install and click Next.
4 Accept the license agreement and click Next.
5 In the External Platform Services Controller section, select the vCenter Server option and click Next.
6 Provide the appliance deployment target settings, and then click Next:
ESXi Host or vCenter Server Name: <<mgmt_server_1_fqdn >>.
HTTPS Port: 443.
User Name: root.
Password: <<mgmt_server_root_password>>.
7 Click Yes to accept the certificate warning.
8 Specify the appliance VM settings, and then click Next:
VM Name: <<vcenter_vm_name>>.
Root Password: <<vcenter_root_password>>.
Confirm Root Password: <<vcenter_root_password>>.
9 Select the appropriate deployment size for the environment you are building, and click Next.
If you are unsure about the size, select Medium.
10 For the datastore, select <<mgmt_server_1_hostname>>-localdatastore and click Next.
11 Configure the network settings, and then click Next:
Network: Management.
IP Version: IPv4.
IP Assignment: static
System Name: <<vcenter_fqdn>>.
IP Address: <<vcenter_mgmt_ip>>.
Subnet Mask: <<mgmt_net_netmask>>.
Default Gateway: <<mgmt_net_gw>>.
DNS Servers: <<mgmt_net_dns1>>.
12 Review the settings and click Finish.
13 When the deployment is complete, click Continue to proceed to stage 2 of the deployment process.
14 In the Introduction, click Next.
15 Configure the appliance, and then click Next:
Time Synchronization Mode: Synchronize time with NTP servers.
NTP Servers: <<mgmt_net_ntp1>>.
16 Configure SSO, and then click Next:
Platform Services Controller FQDN: <<vcenter_psc_fqdn>>.
Do not use <<vcenter_psc_mgmt_ip>> because doing so would cause an installation failure.
HTTPS Port: 443.
SSO Domain Name: <<mgmt_net_domain_name>>.
SSO User Name: administrator.
SSO Password: <<vcenter_sso_password>>.
2017 by Nimble Storage, Inc. All rights reserved.
Install VMware vCenter Management Appliance