Change the network label to VMkernel-MGMT and select the Management Traffic checkbox:
If the <<mgmt_net_vlan>> is 1 or untagged, ensure that the VLAN is set to 0 (None).
If the <<mgmt_net_vlan>> has a value other than 1 or untagged, set <<mgmt_net_vlan>> as the
VLAN ID and click OK.
b Click OK to finalize the edits for the management network.
5 Select the VM Network configuration and click Edit:
a Change the network label to Management:
If the <<mgmt_net_vlan>> is 1 or untagged, ensure that the VLAN is set to 0 (None).
If the <<mgmt_net_vlan>> has a value other than 1 or untagged, set <<mgmt_net_vlan>> as the
VLAN ID and click OK.
b Click OK to finalize the edits for the management port group.
6 Optional: If using a separate network as a deployment network (not running deployment over Management),
click Add to add a network element:
a Select Virtual Machine and click Next.
b Change the network label to Deployment.
Do not specify a VLAN ID because the deployment network must be a native VLAN.
c Click Next and then Finish to finalize the creation of the Deployment network.
7 To add the vMotion network, click Add to add a network element:
a Select VMkernel and click Next.
b Change the network label to VMkernel-vMotion and enter <<mgmt_vmotion_net_vlan>> in the
VLAN ID (Optional) field.
c Select the Use This Port Group for vMotion checkbox.
d Click Next to continue with vMotion VMkernel creation.
e Enter the vMotion IP address <<mgmt_server_1_vmotion_ip>> and subnet mask
<<mgmt_vmotion_net_netmask>> for the host.
Click Next and Finish to finalize the creation of the vMotion VMkernel interface.
8 Select the VMkernel-vMotion configuration and click Edit:
a Change the MTU to 9000.
b Click OK to finalize the edits for the VMkernel-vMotion network.
9 To add the Fault Tolerant network, click Add to add a network element:
a Select VMkernel and click Next.
b Change the network label to VMkernel-FT and enter <<mgmt_ft_net_vlan>> in the VLAN ID (Optional)
c Select the Use This Port Group for Fault Tolerance Logging checkbox.
d Click Next to continue with vMotion VMkernel creation.
e Enter the vMotion IP address <<mgmt_server_1_ft_ip>> and subnet mask <<mgmt_ft_net_netmask>>
for the host.
Click Next and Finish to finalize the creation of the VMkernel-FT interface.
10 Select the VMkernel-FT configuration and click Edit:
a Change the MTU to 9000.
b Click OK to finalize the edits for the VMkernel-FT network.
11 Close the dialog box to finalize the ESXi host networking setup.
12 Repeat this procedure for the other management servers in the configuration.
2017 by Nimble Storage, Inc. All rights reserved.
Set Up VMkernel Ports and Virtual Switches