The Exponential function blends the Curve between the points
on the graph to provide a smooth response. The default value is
OFF. To turn it on and smooth the mixing curve, highlight and
select OFF and it will toggle to ON. An Expo function can be
selected independently for each flight mode.
Trim (Mechanical Trim Lever)
In the Normal mode only, a throttle trim is available that allows
the throttle trim value to be adjusted. The trim value adjusts
the overall trim travel of the throttle only at low throttle in the
normal mode. This trim value adjustment is helpful in adjusting
the sensitivity of the throttle trimmer. To adjust the throttle trim
authority, highlight TRIM and adjust the value using the roller.
Note the onscreen graph can be used to indicate the trim value
: The throttle trim lever is only active when the flight
mode switch is in the normal position. The throttle trim
lever has no effect on flight modes 1, 2, 3, 4 or in throttle
Hovering Throttle
Hovering Throttle increases or decreases the servo output via
the trimmer or knob for the selected points set for the throttle
curve. Use of the hovering throttle trimmer/ knob to shifts the
curve upward or downward to advance or reduce rpm in hover.
The HOV function can be activated at each point by selecting
ON under HOV.
: The Hovering Throttle has no effect on flight mode
switch positions 1,2, 3,4 or Hold.