System 6844(RC) - V03.00
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Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
Description of System 6844 and 6844RC
Systems 6844 and 6844RC offer a broad range of functionality combined with ease of
integration and are suitable for the needs of modern industry and the current computer and
network environment in which these systems are used.
Tried and tested worldwide,
GPS System 6842 served as the basis for the further de-
velopment of
Systems 6844 and 6844RC.
In designing the Systems, particular attention was paid to their potential for universal applica-
tion combined with an optimal cost-benefit ratio for the different fields of use.
Furthermore, these Systems allow customized solutions to be created quickly and easily to
meet specific project requirements.
Synchronisation (GPS and Sub-Master)
Systems 6844 and 6844RC are available as GPS systems and also as Sub-
Master (Slave) Systems. A GPS System having GPS receiver can also be configured as a
Sub-Master (Slave) System.
The functionality of the Systems ranges from the simple emission of serial strings or pulses
to the sophisticated NTP time server with LAN management and monitoring as well as a va-
riety of other complex applications.
A range of function boards are available for the respective applications which can be used to
meet almost all customer requirements - from a simple pulse output in the widest possible
variety of hardware applications to the highly accurate NTP time server.
In their standard configurations, the Systems already offer appropriate modularity in terms of
the use of different function boards, housings, power supplies and subsequent expandability.
The Systems can also be supplied with additional expansion options. This makes it possible
to easily adapt the Systems in accordance with changing future requirements.
Housing Options
Systems 6844 and 6844RC are available to the customer in a variety of housing op-
tions to permit their use in almost any application.
Maintenance free
Complete maintenance free (no additional service costs) and high equipment reliability result
in great flexibility and a high degree of availability.
The System can be extended using Function Boards which can be added by the customer.
In this way, functionality can be easily upgraded on site at low cost. Function Boards can al-
so be exchanged directly on site. Direct account of the potential for subsequent local on-site
expansion by the customer can be taken at the system design stage.