74 / 157
System 6844(RC) - V03.00
Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
5.5.3 3D / Position-fix GPS Reception a. Synchronization Mode (GPS only)
Only configurable in Sync.-Mode GPS.
3D Evaluation
The accuracy of the time evaluation is defined by the exact positional calculation of the in-
stallation location. A minimum of four satellites is required for this calculation (3D evaluation).
The signal transmission times to several satellites are defined from the calculated position
and the exact second mark is produced from their mean value.
Position-fix Evaluation
In the Position-fix mode the System can be synchronized with only one received satellite. In
this case the accuracy depends heavily on the exact entry of the installation position loca-
tion. The second mark is then calculated on the basis of the position entered. If four or more
satellites are received in Position-fix mode then the evaluation switches automatically into 3D
mode for this time period and calculates the exact position. By this means the accuracy of
the Position-fix evaluation increases to the accuracy of the 3D evaluation.
When the position is entered to ±1 minute degree the accuracy of the sec-
ond mark is already better than ±20
Position-fix Evaluation Features
3D Evaluation Features
Clock can synchronize with only one
received satellite.
Accuracy depends on the exact entry
of the position.
If four or more satellites are received
in this mode then the evaluation
switches automatically into 3D mode
for this time period and calculates the
exact position.
The antenna can also be installed in
locations from where less than ¼ of
the sky is visible.
The System can not be synchronized if
less than four satellites are received.
The position is calculated automatical-
The accuracy of the synchronization is
increased by the exact calculation of
The antenna usually requires more
than ¼ free visibility of the sky.