2.1 Overview
The first-time user should approach the HPB in a manner analogous to using a word processor program; i.e., many
features are available but one may begin by using those of interest at the moment. Section 2.7 of this manual lists
command features by functional groups to assist in this selection. When shipped from the factory, the default
settings provide a pressure transducer that will be usable for many applications. Feel free to make command-driven
configuration changes as you become familiar with the HPB. Default parameters are restored when the power is
cycled. Once the user is familiar with the performance and command structure, changes may be made and stored
using the Store Parameters (SP) command. Once stored, the new default settings are activated each time the HPB is
powered up. This tailors the personality of the HPB to meet the needs of a particular application.
2.2 Equipment Needed
To prepare the HPB for operation, several items are needed:
A mating connector with proper wiring connections (see connector part number and wiring diagram in Section 6-
Electrical Connections);
A DC power supply;
A pressure source;
A computer, or host processor, having an RS-232 serial port and terminal program software such as PROCOMM
, TERMINAL (Windows
3.x) or HYPERTERMINAL (Windows
95). These programs are normally
used to interface to a modem. The wiring diagram designates which HPB pins must connect to the computer
send, receive and common pins for proper communications. Some computers may not have an RS-232 serial
port connection identical to the one shown in Section 6, making it necessary to adapt the HPB connections to that
particular computer.
An RS232-to-TTL converter
2.3 Terminal Program Settings
Enter the following settings in the terminal program:
Baud Rate............................................................. 9600
Start Bits......................................................................1
Data Bits......................................................................8
Stop Bits......................................................................1
Attach a line feed to the incoming carriage return <CR>.
Turn the local echo ON.
When shipped from the factory, the HPB is set to a baud rate of 9600, 1 start bit, 8 data bits with no parity and
one stop bit. If the baud rate has been subsequently changed, and is unknown, it will be necessary to search all
baud rate values to reestablish communication. See the BP command description in Section 5.10 of this manual
for possible settings.