A= Data String A
The A= data string command can be used to store and retrieve up to eight characters in the EEPROM. This
command must have 1 to 8 characters immediately following the = character. The message is terminated with
the <cr> (ENTER key) character. The data string is automatically stored in EEPROM with this action command.
Since this string is stored in EEPROM, it will remain in the HPB even after the power is turned off. Examples
include dates for maintenance checks, over/under range pressure or temperature values, or key pressure readings
specific to application. If the response has an ! character instead of =, there was an EEPROM parity error.
Note: This command will not work when a
continuous write enable is active.
It must be preceded by a singular write enable (
must have 1 to 8 characters immediately following the = character.
The message is terminated with the <cr> character. The legal characters for
include all characters between the space (SP) and lower case z
inclusive, except the *, in standard ASCII (see last page of manual).
B= Data String B
The B= data string command can be used to store and retrieve up to eight characters in the EEPROM. This
command must have 1 to 8 characters immediately following the = character. The message is terminated with
the <cr> (ENTER key) character. The data string is automatically stored in EEPROM with this action command.
Since this string is stored in EEPROM, it will remain in the HPB even after the power is turned off. Examples
include dates for maintenance checks, over/under range pressure or temperature values, or key pressure readings
specific to application. If the response has an ! character instead of =, there was an EEPROM parity error.
Note: This command will not work when a
continuous write enable is active.
It must be preceded by a singular write enable (
must have 1 to 8 characters immediately following the = character.
The message is terminated with the <cr> character. The legal characters for
include all characters between the space (SP) and lower case z
inclusive, except the *, in standard ASCII (see last page of manual).