WE Write Enable to EEPROM or RAM
Write several RAM parameters *01WE=RAM
(example to set output units to cm water column)
(factory default setting)
(Cancel continuous WE=RAM command)
Any command changes in RAM will be lost when the PPT is powered down unless an SP command
saves them to EEPROM.
Slope - User Compensation Control
Set X= parameter *00WE
(set user slope control to 0.005% x 17 = 0.085%FS)
Inquiry *00X=
The input slope and offset control are for user supplied mx+b correction.
Offset - User Compensation Control
Set Z= parameter *00WE
(set mx+b pressure offset to 20 x 0.005%FS = 0.1%FS)
(null adjust output at zero pressure)
Inquiry *00Z=
(1) A carriage return, <cr>, should follow each input. If the HPB has an established address of 12, for instance, then
begin the command with *12.. instead of *00...
(2) The responses shown here begin with ?01.. and are for a null address HPB. That is, a HPB that has not yet
established unit identification (see ID command). If the HPB has an assigned address of 23, for instance, the
response will begin with #23.. instead of ?01...
Note: See Section 5.10 for complete command descriptions.
Input (1)
Response (2)