Heat-Timer Corp.
sQ-elIte-MV oVerVIew
two HeatIng teMperatures
The SQ-Elite-MV controls two loops, the boiler loop and the motorized valve loop. Each has their own temperature and set of parameters
and reset settings . In addition, this configuration simplifies many aspects of the installation as the same control will utilize the same
outdoor sensor and shutdown input, season settings, etc... This allows the user to control two separate heating temperatures using a
single heating control.
seQuences up to 22 stages wItH puMps or ValVes.
The SQ-Elite-MV is the perfect control whenever multiple boiler stages in addition to a motorized are required for hydronic heating
As a stand-alone, the SQ-Elite-MV is designed to control six stages. However, it has the capability of expanding its control
to two extension panels each with eight stages. Thus, the SQ-Elite-MV can control a total of up to 22 stages. It controls not just all the
stages, but their pumps or valves, in addition to the secondary loop motorized valve and pump to maintain a precise system set point for
each of the primary and secondary loops.
Modulate a secondary zone MotorIzed ValVes.
The SQ-Elite-MV does the job of two individual heating controls. It replaces a multi-boiler/multi-stage sequencing control in addition
to managing a secondary loop motorized valve and pump. It does that with ease and flexibility. Each of the primary loop and secondary
loop has their own variables and reset ratios, however share the same outdoor sensor.
pId or oVer-sIzed-systeM (oss) logIc
The SQ-Elite-MV’s control algorithm allows it to look at the rate of change in the system. If the load is changing quickly, the SQ-Elite-MV
can be set to OSS sequencing where it will react based on load changes. It will match the load by turning on or off stages quickly. If the
system oscillations are minimal, the SQ-Elite-MV can be set to PID where it will make slow and gradual output adjustments. Therefore,
the SQ-Elite-MV adapts to specific system requirements and minimizes oscillations around the set point.
Installer and user systeM settIngs
The SQ-Elite-MV’s alphanumeric digital display names each system parameter in simple English and shows its precise value. The easy
to follow menu system allows users to quickly make changes to any system setting without having to learn any specialized codes or
keyboard commands. Two separate menus has been provided. One for the installer having all the functions. While the other is much
simpler for the day-to-day user where their primary function is to adjust or maintain specified temperatures.
autoMatIc rotatIon aMong stages
Rotating the first stage to be activated on a call for output promotes even wear on each boiler. The SQ-Elite-MV has three modes of
rotation: Manual, FOFO, or Time. The Time rotates the lead stage every selected time period from every hour to every 41 days.
outdoor reset wItH custoMIzaBle curVe
Each of the loops controlled by the SQ-Elite-MV has an outdoor reset function, providing the capability to change the set point based
on outdoor temperature. Furthermore, a customizable outdoor reset curve has been incorporated for unique applications. In addition,
the following settings have been added to help fine tune all reset operation; Offset, Minimum, and Maximum Targets, and Scheduled
Setback or Setback using an External Signal.
standBy BoIler optIon
Any of the SQ-Elite-MV heating boilers can be configured as a Standby with an adjustable Standby delay. Assigning a specific boiler to
work in standby mode will remove it from the rotation. In this mode, the boiler will be used for backup in large demand periods when
the primary boilers will not suffice.
proVe Input
The system outputs work with the control logic to operate a primary system pump ( boiler loop pump). The System Prove input can be
wired in to check the status of any component before any stage can be activated.
norMal or parallel (lo/lo/HI/HI) seQuencIng
The SQ-Elite-MV can sequence heating boilers as needed
. For heating systems where higher efficiency is achieved using lower firing
stages, the SQ-Elite-MV offers the Parallel Sequencing option. It will sequence all the low firing stages first before bringing the rest of
the stages on. For other types of heating boilers, using the Normal Sequencing option will bring the lower operating stage followed by
the higher one of the lead boiler. Then, follow it by doing the same with the lag boiler.
dHw puMp control wItH MultIple prIorIty optIons
Having a DHW input as a dry-contact to be used with an external aquastat allows the SQ-Elite-MV to control a DHW pump using its
built-in output relay. The user will have different priority options that varies based on the DHW piping design.