SQ-Elite-MV & SQ-Elite-EXT Installation Manual
followed by the minutes. If hours are to be set to PM, scroll through the AM hours to reach the PM hours.
• Remember that the battery is the backup for the Time. If no power is supplied to the SQ-Elite-MV, the battery will die in three
months and time clock values will be lost and will need to be reset.
dHw settIngs
• A DHW call can be initiated by shorting the DHW input terminals,
25 and 2
• In addition to raising the Target to lowest of 200ºF or the Maximum Target on a DHW call, the SQ-Elite-MV provides three levels
of DHW Pump operation. The first is when Primary/Secondary is selected as the DHW Piping from the Startup Menu. (See
DHW Piping on page 1
.) This option will provide no DHW Priority. Furthermore, a DHW call during the Summer or when the
outdoor temperature is above the SEQ Outdoor Cutoff will energize both the DHW Pump and the System Pump relays. Upon the
termination of the DHW call, the DHW Pump relay will de-energize leaving the SEQ System relay energized for the Run-On delay.
• The other two DHW options are available when Parallel is selected as the DHW Piping from the Startup Menu. (See DHW Piping
.) These two options will not allow the SEQ System relay to energize in Summer or outdoor cutoff situations.
• In Winter, if the DHW Priority Timer was set to
, a DHW call will keep the SEQ System relay energized in addition to the
DHW Pump relay. Upon termination of the DHW call, the DHW Pump relay will de-energize leaving the SEQ System relay on.
• In Winter, if the DHW Priority Timer was set to a time value, a DHW call will de-energize the SEQ System relay and energize
the DHW Pump relay on a DHW call. This will remain for the period of the DHW Priority Timer setting or until the DHW call
terminates, whichever is sooner. If the DHW call was still active after the DHW Priority Timer elapses, the SEQ System relay will
energize for the remaining of the DHW call period.
dHw prIorIty tIMer
(aVaIlaBle wItH parallel dHw pIpIng)
Adjustable NO, 1 to 120 minutes
Default: NO
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<SEQ System Settings>/DHW Prior. Timer
• The DHW Priority Timer provides the user with the capability of selecting the DHW
[ ]
Priority period. If
was selected, both DHW Pump and System relay will be energized on a DHW call whenever there is a
DHW call during Winter.
• In Summer or SEQ Outdoor Cutoff, a DHW call will energize only the DHW Pump relay leaving the System relay de-energized.
• If the DHW Priority Timer was set to a value other than No, a DHW call in the Winter when the outdoor temperature is below the
Outdoor Cutoff will cause the SEQ System relay to de-energize and the DHW Pump relay to energize for the period of the DHW
Priority Timer or until the DHW call expertise, whichever happens sooner. If the DHW call did not expire within the priority
period, then the SEQ System relay will energize.
puMp and ValVe operatIon
• The SQ-Elite-MV controls multiple relays each controlling a different type of equipment. In addition to the control of the boilers,
it can control, the SEQ System pump, MOV System pump, boiler pumps or valves, and the DHW Pump. The operation of those
relays depends on the Startup and SEQ and MOV Settings.
seQ and MoV run-on
Adjustable 0 to 60 minutes
Default: 2 minutes
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<System Settings>/Run-On
• The Run-On applies to all pumps and valves. It is the time a pump or valve will run after
the output boiler relays has de-energized. After the pump or valve goes through the Run-On
period, its relay de-energizes. For pumps and valves the Run-On is used to dissipate the
excess energy from the heating system into the building.
------- RUN-ON -------
• A boiler pump or valve will go through the Run-On when all the stages on that boiler has turned off. This will take place for all
boiler pumps and valves except for the lead boiler valve.
• The Run-On will take place for the lead boiler valve and System relays whenever the season is changed to Summer, the outdoor
temperature rises above the SEQ Outdoor Cutoff, or the Shutdown or SEQ Tstat is activated.
• The Run-On time should be set based on the size and type of the equipment. A boiler with high water content and high horsepower
will need a longer Run-On than a boiler with the same horsepower but has less water content.
seQ and MoV puMp eXercIse
Adjustable Off, On
Default: Off
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<System Settings>/Pump Exercise
• The SQ-Elite-MV provides an option to exercise pumps for 10 seconds when not used for
seven day to reduce pump impeller locking after off-season.