Heat-Timer Corp.
Make sure you HaVe tHe rIgHt control
If you need the SQ-Elite-MV to do additional tasks that either are not listed or do not know how to configure them, contact Heat-
Timer Corp. Sales Department either by Phone (973)575-4004, Fax (973) 575-4052, or by E-mail [email protected].
InItIal setup
Setting an Initial Program will ease the configuration of the SQ-Elite-MV and will give the opportunity to utilize many of the energy
saving features and give more comfortable heat when needed.
The program should consist of the following:
• Selecting the features that your system can utilize.
• Installation: Install the Control, switches and sensors. See page
• Setting the System Startup. See page 13
• Setting the SEQ and MOV System Settings. See page 14
• Setting the Stages. See page
• Adjusting Reset Ratio and Water Offset (In Reset Mode Only). See page
selectIng tHe systeM features
The SQ-Elite-MV has been designed with Hydronic heating as the primary purpose. With this in mind, many of the SQ-Elite-MV features
can be utilized to ease, enhance, and improve your system performance. Some of these features are listed in this section.
outdoor reset, set poInt, or eXternal 4-20Ma set poInt
• The SQ-Elite-MV can control the boiler loop system temperature either by adjusting the calculated temperature according to the
outdoor temperature (Outdoor Reset) or by maintaining an adjustable Set Point. The Outdoor Reset option uses an Outdoor Sensor
(supplied with the control) and achieves better fuel savings in addition to better comfort.
• Using an optional 4-20mA EMS Interface (HTC# 926741-00), the SQ-Elite-MV can receive an external boiler system loop Set Point
through EMS system.
• The motorized valve loop temperature can be set based on the outdoor temperature (Outdoor Reset) or by maintaining an adjustable
Set Point.
pId or oss control logIc
• The SQ-Elite-MV PID can be used for applications where system reaction will require a long period to achieve or measure the
results. However, OSS, can be used for applications where the load changes frequently and the sequencing must match the load and
its immediate change.
nuMBer of stages
• The SQ-Elite-MV can be configured to control up to six stages. It can control up to 22 stages using a maximum of two SQ-Elite-
EXT Extension Panels each with eight stages.
stage puMps or ValVes
• The SQ-Elite-MV can control multiple stages in addition to
boiler pumps or valves.
control dHw puMp
• The control of the DHW is based on using a dry-contact from an aquastat. The SQ-Elite-MV provides multiple DHW Priority options
to choose from based on the DHW piping. The Prove input can be used to check the status on the System Pump Flow switch or any
other devices before any stage is energized.
MonItor BoIler return
• The optional return line sensor, can be purchased separately, to monitor and help protect the boilers from thermal shock and
condensation caused by cool returns.