Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Bleeding Transport Lift Hydraulics
1. Review warnings, bleeding notes and system
information on page 75.
2. Lower drill into field position and completely retract
box lift cylinder at middle of tongue. Loosen base
end hose JIC fitting on left transport lift cylinder and
base end JIC fitting on box lift cylinder
3. Slowly supply oil to base end of transport lift
cylinders until oil appears at loosened hose fitting.
Oil may not appear at both locations at the same
time. As oil begins to appear at a fitting, tighten that
fitting and proceed until both fittings have been
4. Completely extend transport lift cylinders and
immediately lock cylinders up by flipping up cylinder
lock channels on both transport lift cylinders and box
lift cylinder.
Crushing Hazard:
The hydraulics could fail, causing the openers to fall and
crush you. To prevent serious injury or death, always secure
cylinder lock channels over extended transport-lift cylinders
before working under openers.
5. When cylinder lock channels are in place, loosen rod
end hose fitting on left transport lift cylinder and rod
end hose fitting on box lift cylinder
6. Slowly supply oil to rod end of transport lift cylinders
until oil appears at the loosened hose fittings. As oil
begins to appear at fitting, tighten that fitting and
proceed until all fittings are tightened.
7. Extend transport lift cylinders, and remove the
cylinder lock channels. Completely cycle transport lift
hydraulics several times.
Figure 85
Bleeding Transport Lift Hydraulics