12. Hardware system configuration
12.4 eXentro ECU 4x4 card configuration options:
Each zone output features A and B loudspeaker connections, increasing safety and reliability in
a single alarm zone. If one of the speaker lines fails, this line will be disconnected while the other
line stays operating: this results in a maximum SPL loss of 3 dB.
NOTE: make sure to wire the speaker lines properly and that the loudspeakers on these lines are
spread equally throughout the room (50% on line A and 50% on line B).
Instead of using a single amplifier channel for every zone, a single amplifier channel can also be
connected to power 2, 3 or 4 zones. All loudspeakers lines are still monitored independently and
if one line fails it will be disconnected while the other loudspeaker lines keep operating.
The Aux line output can be linked to any of the 4 outputs on the same card. During eVACuation,
or when running on battery power, the AUX signal will be muted. The AUX signal has its own
processing and therefore can also be used as bi-amplified output for any of the 4 outputs on
the same card.
See examples of above options in appendix A.
12.5 Backup amplifier:
The 4 amplifier connections on the main unit and the 4 amplifier connections on the optional
4x4 card have the facility to connect a backup amplifier (1 for each 4 amplifiers). If needed a
single spare amplifier channel can also be used as a backup for 8 amplifier channels (main unit
incl. 1 zone exp. Card) or 12 amplifier channels (main unit incl. 2 zone exp. Cards). Using less
backup amplifiers requires specific wiring of the backup amplifier output. The ECU system
automatically detects the number of connected backup amplifiers and will route the internal
audio signals. Make sure the backup amp wiring is done in the right way: if there is a missing
parallel connection the ECU will recognize less backup amplifiers, see examples below:
1 backup amp for 8 zones:
connect the backup amp audio output nr. 1 to the backup amp line
input and connect its loudspeaker output in parallel to backup amp input nr. 1 AND nr. 2.
1 backup amp for 12 zones:
connect the backup amp audio output nr. 1 to the backup amp line
input and connect its loudspeaker output in parallel to backup amp input nr.1, nr. 2 and nr.3.
2 backup amps for 12 zones:
for example - connect the backup amp audio output nr. 1 to the
first backup amp line input and connect its loudspeaker output to the backup amp input nr. 1.
Connect the backup amp audio output nr. 2 to the second backup amp line input and connect
its loudspeaker output in parallel to the backup amp input nr. 2 and nr. 3.
The use of one or two backup amplifiers is only possible within a single ECU unit. The output power
of the backup amplifier should be equal to the amplifier with the highest output power connected
to the same ECU unit. Besides previous the backup amplifier output level (50 V, 100 V or 100 V
using a transformer) should match the output level of the amplifiers connected to the different
zone outputs: all amplifier channels connected to these zone outputs should have the same
type of output level. A 50 V amplifier channel cannot be backed up by a 100 V amplifier channel
using a transformer or by a 100 V bridged backup amplifier channel; this will give errors in the
system!. A 100 V channel of an amplifier using a transformer can be backed up by a 100 V bridged
amplifier channel and vice versa.
Also when low impedance line loads (8 ohm at 50 V) are used on a particular zone card: make
sure all other outputs of this card are also low impedance lines (8 ohm at 50 V) and that a 50 V
backup amplifier is used. Same a low impedance load of 16 ohm (min.) at 100 V: make sure all zones
on this card operate at 16 ohm (min.) 100 V and that a 100 V the backup amplifier channel is used.
See examples of above configurations in appendix B.