The Il lus trated Parts Break down (IPB) lists and il lus trates the pro cur able parts of the HGU-84/P
Com mer cial Hel met. The IPB is in tended for use in the iden ti fi ca tion, pro cure ment, stor ing, and
is su ing of re place ment parts. It also il lus trates re la tion ships of parts to as sem blies. Re place -
ment, op er a tion, and main te nance of these hel mets shall only be per formed by au tho rized
per son nel us ing the in struc tions set forth in the pre ced ing sec tions of this man ual.
The IPB con tains il lus tra tions and parts lists for each ma jor as sem bly. These views and ac com -
pa ny ing lists show how the ma jor as sem blies are dis as sem bled into sub as sem blies and de tail
parts. Each item il lus trated is num bered for iden ti fi ca tion. Each il lus tra tion is ac com pa nied by a
parts list pro vid ing a part num ber, de scrip tion, and quan tity for each item. The list is ar ranged in
dis as sem bly or der. Sub as sem blies are in dented with bul lets (
) un der main as sem blies to
show re la tion ships.
4-2.1 Fig ure and In dex Num ber Col umn
In the Fig ure and In dex num ber col umn, the first num ber (for ex am ple “4-1" on Page 3)
in di cates the num ber of the as so ci ated il lus tra tion. All other num bers, which are pre ceded by
hy phens (for ex am ple, -1, -2, and so forth), cor re spond to in dex num bers (num bered callouts)
on the as so ci ated il lus tra tion.
4-2.2 Part Num ber Col umn
The Part Num ber col umn con tains the con trac tor’s part num ber. If the part num ber is con trolled
by a spec i fi ca tion, the spec i fi ca tion num ber ap pears in the De scrip tion Col umn.
4-2.3 De scrip tion Col umn
The De scrip tion col umn lists the item named plus those mod i fi ers nec es sary to iden tify the item.
When a sep a rate ex ploded view is used to show the de tail parts of an as sem bly or sub as sem -
bly, the De scrip tion Col umn con tains an ap pro pri ate fig ure cross ref er ence in pa ren the ses
fol low ing the de scrip tion.
4-2.4 Units Per As sem bly Col umn
This col umn shows the quan tity of an item re quired in the next higher as sem bly. The
ab bre vi a tion REF in di cates that the part is ref er enced in the parts list of the next higher
as sem bly. The ab bre vi a tion AR in di cates the quan tity is “As Re quired.”
4-2.5 Us able On Code Col umn
Us able On Codes are uti lized to in di cate part us age. Where no code is en tered, the part is
used on all con fig u ra tions. The codes are as fol lows:
Hel met with Dual Vi sor As sem bly
(Me dium)
(X-Large Wide)
Hel met with Sin gle Vi sor As sem bly
(Me dium)
(X-Large Wide)
Hel met with Light weight (Snap) Vi sors
(Me dium)
Содержание HGU-84/P
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Страница 62: ...PUBLICATION TP0131 REV 2 JUNE 2001...