Steps g and h are to be per formed by the aircrew mem ber as sisted by
the main te nance tech ni cian, and should be ac com plished within 30
sec onds of re moval of the heated liner from the oven.
g. With the TPL cen tered in the hel met, have the aircrew mem ber hook thumbs
over the edgeroll, spread hel met slightly, place front of hel met against brow, and
ro tate the hel met rear ward and down onto the head. The main te nance tech ni -
cian should hold the rear por tion of the TPL tightly against the en ergy-ab sorb ing
liner dur ing don ning to en sure the TPL does not bunch up in the rear.
h. Have the aircrew mem ber in ter lock fin gers on top of hel met and pull down un til
ears are cen tered in the earcup as sem blies and eye off set is cor rect. (See Step
5.) Main tain this pres sure for 5 min utes.
i. Re lease down ward pres sure at the end of 5 min utes and check hel met fit. If
re quired, steps a through j may be re peated un til a sat is fac tory fit is achieved.
Once a sat is fac tory fit is achieved, have the aircrew mem ber doff the hel met.
Lift the rear por tion of the TPL away from the en ergy-ab sorb ing liner and re move
mask ing tape from the hook fas tener tapes.
To avoid dam age to the TPL plas tic lay ers from ex ces sive heat, do not
store hel met in closed cock pit or au to mo bile. Tem per a ture in these closed
ar eas can ex ceed 200°F (93.3°C) on an 85°F (30°C) day.
The TPL cover can be laun dered or dry-cleaned. Re place ment of the
dou ble-sided tape that at ta ches the TPL layer as sem bly to the TPL cover
as sem bly should be ac com plished af ter each laun der ing.
Содержание HGU-84/P
Страница 50: ...4 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 6 Figure 4 1 HGU 84 P Commercial Helmet Assembly...
Страница 56: ...4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 11 7 8 9 10 HELMET SHELL REF NAPESTRAP NAPESTRAP PAD Figure 4 5 Chin Nape Strap Assembly...
Страница 60: ...4 12 Figure 4 7 Single Visor Assembly 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9...
Страница 62: ...PUBLICATION TP0131 REV 2 JUNE 2001...