En sure that the chin strap is fas tened at all times when the hel met is worn.
Fail ure to do so will re sult in a loss of hel met sta bil ity and may cause in jury
or death.
10. At tach the end of the chin strap to the chinpad by en gag ing the hook fas tener on the
chin strap to the pile fas tener on the chinpad.
11. To check vi sor op er a tion, raise and lower the vi sor or vi sors as fol lows (Fig ure 2-5):
Dual vi sor as sem bly:
For the outer vi sor
, ro tate the vi sor lock coun ter clock wise
un til the vi sor can be moved. Raise or lower the vi sor by slid ing the lock up or down.
Se cure the vi sor in the de sired po si tion by ro tat ing the lock clock wise un til it can
no lon ger be ro tated.
For the in ner vi sor
, un lock the vi sor by push ing the knob
out ward. Raise or lower the vi sor by slid ing the vi sor while hold ing the knob in the
out ward po si tion. Lock the vi sor in the de sired po si tion by re leas ing the knob.
Sin gle vi sor as sem bly:
Ro tate the vi sor lock coun ter clock wise un til the vi sor can be
moved. Raise or lower the vi sor by slid ing the lock up or down. Se cure the vi sor in
the de sired po si tion by ro tat ing the lock clock wise un til it can no lon ger be ro tated.
Light weight vi sor (with snaps):
If the vi sor is not al ready in stalled, in stall it as spec i -
fied in para graph 2-5. Grasp the vi sor in the mid dle to raise or lower it. Ad just the
straps as needed by slid ing the buck les.
12. Af ter the aircrew mem ber has worn the hel met for about 30 min utes, have him or her
eval u ate the fit. If no pres sure points ex ist and the hel met ap pears to fit prop erly,
have the aircrew mem ber re move the hel met. Mark the hel met with the aircrew
mem ber’s iden tity and store it prop erly. If the hel met does not fit prop erly, have the
aircrew mem ber re move the hel met. Re move the TPL and fol low the cus tom-fit ting
pro ce dure (Para graph 2-3).
Fig ure 2-5. Vi sor Op er a tion
Содержание HGU-84/P
Страница 50: ...4 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 6 Figure 4 1 HGU 84 P Commercial Helmet Assembly...
Страница 56: ...4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 11 7 8 9 10 HELMET SHELL REF NAPESTRAP NAPESTRAP PAD Figure 4 5 Chin Nape Strap Assembly...
Страница 60: ...4 12 Figure 4 7 Single Visor Assembly 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9...
Страница 62: ...PUBLICATION TP0131 REV 2 JUNE 2001...