3-2.3 Vi sual In spec tion
To vi su ally in spect the hel met as sem bly, pro ceed as fol lows :
1. In spect chin/nape strap as sem bly for loose or bro ken stitch ing, snap fas tener
re ten tion, and fray ing.
2. In spect hel met shell as sem bly for splits, cracks, chips, and delamination.
3. In spect vi sor as sem bly com po nents for cracks, splits, and chips; in spect lenses for
scratches and cracks.
4. In spect edgeroll for rips, tears, splits, or loos en ing from hel met shell.
5. In spect com mu ni ca tion ca bles and cordsets for cut, split, or abraded in su la tion.
6. In spect earcups for proper in stal la tion in earpads.
7. In spect earpads for pli abil ity.
8. In spect all hard ware for dam age and se cu rity of at tach ment. Tighten or
re place as nec es sary.
9. In spect ox y gen mask re ceiv ers for proper func tion and re ten tion to hel met shell
as sem bly.
De fects de ter mined from this in spec tion shall be re ferred to the proper
main te nance ac tiv ity for re quired cor rec tive ac tion.
Содержание HGU-84/P
Страница 50: ...4 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 6 Figure 4 1 HGU 84 P Commercial Helmet Assembly...
Страница 56: ...4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 11 7 8 9 10 HELMET SHELL REF NAPESTRAP NAPESTRAP PAD Figure 4 5 Chin Nape Strap Assembly...
Страница 60: ...4 12 Figure 4 7 Single Visor Assembly 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9...
Страница 62: ...PUBLICATION TP0131 REV 2 JUNE 2001...