GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
By selecting D-RS-232 the base schedules can be transferred to the unit from a PC file. This is not a
different base survey mode. It is actually a tool to enter the base schedules. If you need to enter
several base programs, it may be easier to type them into a text file on a PC and then transfer the
file to the unit using the RS-232 port.
To transfer the base schedules you MUST have GEMLinkW 2.4 or newer installed
on your PC and use the programmable Base utility. GEMLinkW is freely
available from GEM Systems web site.
The text files may be created using GEMlinkW in editing mode, or with any other word processor
capable of saving as plain ASCII text. Spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel can also be
used provided the files are saved as text (space, comma, TAB , or colon separated) and not as
worksheets or workbooks.
The magnetometer consoles can store up to 30 programs or schedules. Therefore, the files should
have 30 (or less) lines or rows. However, if the file is larger only the first 30 lines is transferred.
The end of each line is determined by a CR (carriage return) or CRLF (carriage return / line feed).
Lines terminated only with LF cannot be used since they are treated as a single line.
A general, condensed description of the file format may be written as follows:
Start date and time
Stop date and time
YYMMDDhhmm prog 1
Separator YYMMDDhhmm prog 1
YYMMDDhhmm prog 2
Separator YYMMDDhhmm prog 2
| | |
| | |
YYMMDDhhmm prog 30
Separator YYMMDDhhmm prog 30
For example if you are using SPACE as field separator, and want to automatically start the base on
May 20 2002 at 11:30 AM and stop it on May 25 2002 at midnight, you should enter the line as:
0205201130 0205252359 (file is 1min short) or
0205201130 0205260000
After creating the text file on the PC, just follow the step-by-step instructions provided by
GEMLinkW's Programmable Base utility.