GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
Eight line represents OmniSTAR VBS Status Word. Screenshot #6 of magnetometer screen above
shows that subscription expired. For more detailed explanation please refer to Table 2:
Table 2: OmniSTAR VBS Status Word (
Courtesy of NovAtel)
Press F button to get to GPS menu.
4. L-band info
To verify current status of L-band based services as OmniSTAR or CDGPS from GPS menu press
‘0-Lband info’ .
One of above shown screens #4 or #6 will come up, depending on how GPS was initialized to work
either with OmniSTAR or with CDGPS. In case if SBAS mode was selected then attempt to receive
L-band info will show message on the screen #7.