GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
The files must have two columns; one for each UTM coordinate of the waypoints. GEMLinkW
expects SPACE as the default delimiter between fields (or columns) but a different one can also be
The magnetometer consoles can store up to 1000 waypoints. Therefore, the files should have 1000
(or less) lines or rows. However, if the file is larger only the first 1000 lines is transferred. A CR
(carriage return) or CRLF (carriage return/Line feed) determines the end of each line. Lines
terminated only with LF cannot be used since they are treated as a single line.
A general description of the file format follows:
Easting WPoint1
Separator Northing WPoint1
Easting WPoint2
Separator Northing WPoint2
Easting WPoint3
Separator Northing WPoint3
Easting WPoint1000 Separator Northing WPoint1000 CRLF
The coordinates of the waypoints may be entered as UTM
The following is an example of valid UTM coordinates to program WP1 to WP5 with SPACE as
field delimiter between columns. WP6 to WP1000 have their UTM coordinates set to zero
629260 4857196
629268 4857195
629271 4857194
629361 4857193
629262 4857192
After creating the text file on the PC, open GEMLinkW, access the Transfer GPS waypoint utility,
and just follow the step-by-step instructions provided.