GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
0629229 UTM Easting
waypoint 0001
F-ok C-change
0629229 UTM Easting
4857547 UTM Northing
waypoint 0001
F-ok C-change E-end
The process is the same for waypoint 2 and the rest.
When the Northing for the last waypoint you want to program is entered you may press
return to the GPS menu.
D.4.3 RS-232 Waypoint Transfer (Point-to-Point Navigation)
This is not a navigation mode. It is actually a tool to program the waypoints.
If the survey involves several waypoints, programming them one by one using the unit's keypad
may become quite a task. Instead, you may use the RS-232 port to transfer the waypoint from a file
on your PC.
To transfer the waypoints you MUST have GEMLinkW 2.4 or newer installed on
your PC and use the Transfer GPS waypoint utility. GEMLinkW is freely
available from GEM Systems web site.
The text files may be created using GEMlinkW in editing mode, or with any other word processor
capable of saving as plain ASCII text.
Spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel can also be used provided the files are saved as text
(space, comma, TAB , or colon separated) and not as worksheets or workbooks.