4.5 Boiler
4.5.1 Boiler - Status
System menu
Boiler temperature
Display of the current boiler temperature.
Flue gas temperature
Display of the current flue gas temperature.
Flue gas setpoint
Display of the calculated flue gas setpoint.
Boiler control variable
Display of the signal for the combustion controller.
ID fan control
Display of the current ID fan control.
ID fan speed
Display of the current ID fan speed.
Air flap control
Display of the current position which the air flap should
move to.
Position of the air flap
Display of the current position of the air flap.
Primary air
Display of the current value of the primary air flap
according to controller.
Position of primary air flap
Display of the current position of the primary air flap
(adjusted for the air settings).
Residual oxygen content
Display of the current residual oxygen content.
Oxygen control
Display of control of primary and secondary air flap.
Calculated boiler setpoint
Display of the current boiler temperature setpoint
depending on the specified hydraulic system.
Return setpoint calculated
Prerequisite: Maintaining outfeed through return feed
Sensor 1
Display of the current temperature at sensor 1.
Return sensor
Prerequisite: Return temperature control with mixing valve
or bypass pump
Display of the current temperature at the boiler return.
Parameters overview
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com