5.7.2 Carrying out a software update on the touch control
NOTICE! If several touch controls are installed, we recommend the use of several USB sticks to perform the
updates in parallel!
❒ Insert the USB stick with the necessary data (linux.bin; rootfs.img; update; froresetdemo.inc or frorestart.inc)
into the USB port
➥ System message for restart is displayed
❒ Tap “OK” to carry out a restart of the touch control
➥ After the restart, the update process will begin automatically
Once the update is complete, a message will appear that you can remove the stick
❒ Remove the USB stick
➥ The touch control restarts automatically
The touch control software is up-to-date following the restart.
❒ Perform updates to any other touch controls
Software update Lambdatronic 3200
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com