If the above instructions are followed, the risk of endangering life and limb or
damaging equipment can be significantly reduced.
The following instructions must be observed to prevent danger to life and limb
or damage to equipment and other assets:
- The current transformers must be short-circuited.
- All live cables must be disconnected from the instrument.
- All disconnected cables must be individually isolated and insulated, and
measures must be taken to prevent their inadvertent contact with live
components or electrically conducting parts.
- If it is intended that connecting cables that have been disconnected from the
instrument are to become live again after the instrument has been removed,
adequate measures must be taken to prevent their inadvertent contact with
other live components or electrically conducting parts.
Exposed electrical conductors that can be touched are a hazard to life and
limb. If they come into contact with other electrically conducting components,
the latter can also become live. In addition, cables designated only for low vol-
tages can carry life-threatening higher voltages if they come into contact with
cables at the supply network voltage.
To prevent this danger to life and limb, the exposed ends of disconnected
cables must be individually insulated in a workmanlike manner. The ends of
these cables must not be joined to each other, and it must be ensured that
cable ends cannot be touched, and that they do not touch each other or other
If the exposed ends of disconnected cables come into contact with each other,
this can result in short-circuits and overloading of the installation conductors,
resulting in damage to equipment and other assets.
All disconnected cables must be individually isolated and insulated, and mea-
sures must be taken to prevent their inadvertent contact with live components
or electrically conducting parts.
Instrument removal:
The following instructions must be observed to prevent danger to life and limb
or damage to equipment and other assets:
- All power to the entire control cabinet must be switched off before the PQC is
If the above instructions are followed, and the precautions specified in
1.2, Safety instructions],
are taken, the risk of damaging equipment and assets or
endangering life and limb can be significantly reduced.
The PQC is held in place against the rear of the cabinet front wall by four retaining lugs in the
corners of the instrument. These can be released by turning the retaining screws (accessible
from the front) anticlockwise with a screwdriver. This slackens the four retaining lugs and
swivels them to lie flat behind the PQC front panel, so that the instrument can then be with-
drawn from the front of the cabinet.