Declaration of conformity ..................................................2
SECTION 1 - Machine description and features
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Warranty ...............................................................31
1.2.1 Warranty exclusions
1.3 Identification of the machine
1.4 Purpose of the manual .........................................32
1.4.1 People who addressed the manual .......................32
1.5 Description of the machine
1.5.1 Use of the machine
1.5.2 Use not intended
1.6 Protection and safety devices ...............................33
1.6.1 Noise risk .............................................................33
1.6.2 Vibrations level .....................................................33
1.7 Technical features
SECTION 2 - General safety standards
2.1 Safety ...................................................................34
2.1.1 Terms used...........................................................34
2.1.2 General safety standards
2.2 Safety signs ..........................................................
2.3 Safety during use and maintenance ......................
SECTION 3 - Handling
3.1 General data
3.2 Handling ...............................................................
3.2.1 Unloading the machine .........................................
3.2.2 Disposal of packaging ..........................................
3.2.3 Loading the machine ............................................
4.1 Before use
4.1.1 Description of the controls ...................................38
4.2 Start-up
4.3 Operation ..............................................................40
4.3.1 Steering ................................................................40
4.3.2 «Slow/Fast» progress ...........................................40
4.4 When working ......................................................40
4.4.1 Use of the machine on slopes...............................41
4.4.2 Parking .................................................................41
4.5 Tilting
4.6 Auxiliary hydraulic outlet
4.7 Enlargement banks box
4.8 Arranging the accessories ....................................42
4.8.1 Assembly/disassembly of the accessories ............42
4.9 Stop
4.10 After use ...............................................................43
SECTION 5 - Routine maintenance
5.1 General data
5.2 Maintenance of the engine
5.3 Maintenance of the machine
5.3.1 Periodic checks
5.3.2 Replacing the hydraulic oil
5.3.3 Tracks (ALIEN 5.0)
5.3.4 Tracks (ALIEN 6.5)
5.3.5 Battery
5.4 Extraordinary maintenance
5.5 Set-aside
5.6 Dismantling the machine
5.7 Spare parts
5.8 Troubleshooting and remedies
Fig. 1 - Minitransporter ALIEN HY 5.0.
1) Identifi
cation label. - 2) Serial number. - 3) Pipe supports
hands. - 4) Toolbox. - 5) Platform door-operator (on
request). - 6) Engine. - 7) Pressure gauge signal fil
ter clogging oil. - 8) Hydraulic oil level warning. - 9)
Track left. - 10) Track right. - 11) Group joint hydrau
lic tipping. - 12) Parking brake lever. - 13) Control
lever of the self-loading shovel (or other hydraulic
accessory, on request). - 14) Lever left track. - 15)
Lever right track. - 16) Lever lifting/tipping dumper.
- 17) Accelerator lever. - 18) Lever selection fast/
slow drive. - 19) Battery (only machine with elec
trical equipment). - 20) Instant couplings - supply/
return - for other accessory (only on request). - 21)
Instant couplings - supply/return - for self-loading
shovel (or other hydraulic accessory, on request). -
22) Dumper. - 23) Self-loading shovel. - 24) Lever of
the quick couplings ref. 20 (only on request).
N.B.: The Instant couplings ref. 20 and 21, only
work with the throttle adjustment lever ref. 18, in
slow position.
Fig. 1/A - Minitransporter ALIEN HY 6.5.
1) Identi
fication label. - 2) Serial number. - 3) Pipe supports
hands. - 4) Toolbox. - 5) Platform door-operator (on
request). - 6) Engine. - 7) Pressure gauge signal
filter clogging oil. - 8) Hydraulic oil level warning.
- 9) Track left. - 10) Track right. - 11) Group joint
hydraulic tipping. - 12) Parking brake lever. - 13)
Control lever of the Dumper tipping or other. - 14)
Lever left track. - 15) Lever right track. - 16) Control
lever of the self-loading shovel (control the ref. 21).
- 17) Accelerator lever. - 18) Lever selection fast/
slow drive. - 19) Battery (only machine with elec
trical equipment). - 20) Instant couplings - supply/
return - for other accessory (only on request). - 21)
Instant couplings - supply/return - for self-loading
shovel (or other hydraulic accessory, on request). -
22) Dumper. - 23) Self-loading shovel. - 24) Lever of
the quick couplings ref. 20 (only on request).
N.B.: The Instant couplings ref. 20 and 21, only
work with the throttle adjustment lever ref. 18, in
slow position.
Fig. 2 - Overall dimensions.
Fig. 3 - Safety signs and their location on the ma-
(for their description see Section 2 Safety).