19. Programming the Flight Controller
The flight controller is already perfectly adjusted to the motor used ex works. A change to the factory
setting therefore is not necessary for the first flight.
a) Calibration of the Transmitter‘s Throttle Lever
If the throttle lever at the transmitter is set to minimum (motor off), the flight controller automatically recognises the
position „motor off“. This warrants a secure, fine control of the motor speed. In only a few cases (e.g. if you switch
the remote control transmitter), it may be required to re-teach the positions „full throttle“ and „motor off“. To do so
proceed as follows:
• Turn on the transmitter first and put the throttle lever to the position „full throttle“.
• Connect the flight controller to the flight battery.
• After approx. two seconds, a double sound sounds that is repeated four times.
• After the double sound, set the throttle lever to the minimum position (motor off) at once.
• Another double sound sounds, followed by a melody. Programming is complete. The flight controller is then ready
for operation.
If you do not put the throttle lever to the „motor off“ position at once after the first three double sound
sequences, programming of the individual functions starts after the fourth double sound. If you do not want
to perform this programming, either let all programming steps run through to the end or just disconnect the
flight battery. However, the throttle lever at the transmitter still has to be in the „full throttle“ position for this.
b) Selecting the Programming Mode
The flight controller can be programmed individually. Observe the information in the chapter „Notes on the Individual
Functions“ for this as well as the programming table. Proceed as follows for programming:
• Turn on the transmitter first and put the throttle lever to the position „full throttle“.
• Connect the flight controller to the flight battery.
• After approx. two seconds, a double sound sounds that is repeated four times.
• After the fourth double sound, the flight controller will switch to programming mode.
• Then all functions starting from „1 Brake“ to the last function „10.1 Undervoltage recognition“ are gone through.
Every sound sequence or melody is issued four times here before switching on to the next programming step.
• When the flight controller has reached the function that you want to change (sound sequence or melody), move
the throttle lever at the transmitter to the minimum position (motor off) at once.
• Another double sound sounds, followed by a melody. Programming is complete. The flight controller is then ready
for operation.
You can only save one function at a time when programming the flight controller. If you want to programme
other functions, you need to disconnect the rechargeable battery from the flight controller for at least five
seconds and then programme the desired function again.