Using commands
Print and Hold
Prints the selected job in the Active Jobs window, Printed
Jobs panel, or Archive panel, and holds a copy of the job.
The copied job is marked with the processed/held flag.
Remove Raster
Removes the raster data associated with the selected
processed/held job in the Active Jobs window, or the selected
raster job in the Printed Jobs or Archive panel; leaves the
original PostScript job in place.
Allows you to view and override print settings for the
selected job in the Active Jobs window or Printed Jobs panel,
or view print settings for the selected job in the FreeForm
panel or Archive panel.
Opens the selected job in a Preview window. You can
preview held jobs that reside in the Active Jobs window, as
well as jobs that reside in the Printed Jobs panel, FreeForm
panel, or Archive panel.
Archives the selected held job in the Active Jobs window,
moving it to the Archive panel.
Send To*
Sends the selected held job in the Active Jobs window to
another Fiery X3e.
Cancel Processing
Cancels processing of the selected job in the Active Jobs
window. This command is available only for jobs displaying
the processing status flag.
Cancel Printing
Cancels printing of the selected job in the Active Jobs
window. This command is available only for jobs displaying
the printing status flag.
Allows you to apply imposition settings to the selected held
job in the Active Jobs window.
Mixed Media
Allows you to specify different media types for different page
ranges in the selected spooled/held job.
Submenu command