The graphical interface
This chapter provides an introduction to the Command WorkStation and Command
WorkStation LE graphical user interfaces. To follow along in the software as you read
the chapter, log in to the application with an Operator or Administrator password, as
described on
Once you are logged in, you can tour the application. Your exploration will be more
complete if you have some jobs in the Active Jobs window (jobs in the Hold queue),
and can send more jobs from a nearby computer.
The chapter also describes Setup functions such as printing Fiery X3e information
pages, setting application preferences, and managing Fiery X3e fonts.
Unless otherwise specified, information in this chapter applies to both
Command WorkStation and Command WorkStation LE. Sections that apply
exclusively to Command WorkStation are denoted by an asterisk (*). Sections that
apply exclusively to Command WorkStation LE are denoted by a dagger (†). In cases
where the two applications are nearly identical, only Command WorkStation
illustrations are shown.
The graphical interface
Command WorkStation and Command WorkStation LE provide graphical means to
monitor, preview, and manage jobs on one or more Fiery X3e servers. You can hide or
rearrange the components in the interface to create custom layouts that meet your job
management needs.
Chapter 2:
Introduction to
WorkStation and
WorkStation LE