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6. The Robot Arm Harnesses are routed through (2) black plastic wire
channels located on the top of the right and rear cabinet walls. To open the
wire channels, begin at the channel end closest to the Robot Arm and use
your thumb to push up on the bottom of the channel while also pulling out on
the top of the channel. The channels should unlatch on top while hinging on
the bottom. Remove the harnessing from the wire channels.
7. The mounting shaft of the Robot Arm is clamped into a mount located on
the back cabinet wall. The mounting shaft is held in place by (4) screws. Use
either a #2 Phillips screwdriver or a 5/16-inch (8mm) socket wrench to loosen
the (4) screws.
Do not remove the (4) screws.
Use one hand to support the
Robot Arm while pulling out on the top of the hinged Robot Arm Clamp.
When the clamp has been pulled out, the Robot Arm Shaft will drop down and
out the bottom of the mount. The Robot Arm may now be removed from the
8. Remove the replacement Robot Arm from the packaging and carefully
unspool the harness. The Robot Arm Mounting Shaft is pointed on one side
and has a horizontal “notch” on the other. The pointed side of the mounting
shaft should face the rear cabinet wall as the shaft is installed back into the
mount. As you slide the shaft up into the mount, you should hear an audible
“click” as the “notch” slides past the clamp on the bracket. Support the Robot
Arm until the (4) retaining screws are tight.
9. Carefully lay the harness in the channel as flat as possible. The spiral wire
wrap should slightly extend into the channel. Begin at the Robot Mount and
push up on the wire channel as you push it in. As you slide your hand to the
right, the clamp will close and lock. Repeat the procedure with the right wall
wire channel. Take care so that the wires are completely inside the channels
and are not pinched.
10. Plug the (4) connectors back into the VMC Board. Take care not to bend
any pins as you seat the connectors.
Replace the cable ties so that the
Robot Arm Harness is positioned along side the Lid Lift Harness as it was
before. The Robot Arm Harness must be positioned clear of the inner door
and outer door as the doors are opened and closed.
Take care that the
harnesses are not pinched by either door.
11. Replace the grey Robot Arm Mount cover using the 2 Phillips screws.
Support the end of the robot arm and pull the cable down until you have
access to the threaded ring. Reinstall the Vacuum Pump aligning the spline
in the pump with the spline in the thumb ring. Hand-tighten the ring only. Do
NOT use tools of any kind to tighten the ring.
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