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*=Turn Off #=Accept
Instructions to Flash Update Evolution Firmware
PRIOR to V119K
Necessary tools and components: Micro SD Card - 4GB or smaller.
Note: Evolution program updates can be sent via e-mail and saved to a Micro
SD Card. This may require the use of an SD adaptor and possibly a USB
1. Open the Evolution machine door and turn the VMC power “OFF”. The power
switch is located on the left side of the Power Supply under the delivery bin.
2. Open the inner door located to the left of the window opening.
3. The VMC Board is located at the top of the opening and the Digital Display
Board is located directly below the VMC. Unlatch the right side of the Display
Board and flip it around so that the display may be viewed from the back of the
4. The Microprocessor (daughter) Board is located on the upper right corner of
the VMC Board. Remove the Micro SD card from its SD Adapter and carefully
insert it into the metallic slot located on the upper right corner of the daughter
The Micro SD card should be inserted straight down into the slot.
The contacts on the Micro SD card must face away from you.
The lettering on the card will be facing you.
There should be an audible “click” when the card is seated.
If the card does not drop smoothly into the slot, remove and retry.
BOOT LOADER UPGRADE: To be installed prior to major program
revisions. (From Program Revision Prior to 119K)
5. Turn the Power Supply power switch “ON”. The Display will scroll through the
programs installed onto the Micro SD Card.
6. Use the asterisk “*” key to scroll through the contents of the Micro SD card.
There may be more than one program version contained on the card. Typically
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