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Viewing freezer temperature:
While in Vend Mode (indicated by “Please Insert Money” on the scrolling
marquee on the Digital Display), press the “*” key on the Customer Keypad. The
current temperature will be displayed on the Digital Display.
Temperature Adjustment
Standard Frozen Machines
The temperature may be adjusted by turning the Thermostat Dial located on the
outside back of the freezer next to the left freezer lid hinge. The scale ranges
from 1 which is the warmest setting to 7 which is the coldest. The recommended
factory setting is “5”. Three to four hours after powering up the Vendor, the
temperature inside the Freezer should drop to about –10°F / -23°C. The
operating temperature for the standard ice cream and frozen food vendor will
vary based on the prevailing temperature at the machine. Typically the operating
range should be between -5°F/-20°C and -15°F/-26°C.
Extreme Cold Machines
Extreme cold machines should reach operating temperature in approximately 4
hours after being turned on. Typically, operating temperature ranges between
-30°F/-34°C and -40°F/-40°C. There is no Thermostat or temperature
adjustment mechanism on extreme cold machines (-40°). The temperature may
be viewed by pressing the “*” key while in Vending Mode (Please Insert Money).
Servicing the Freezer:
The standard chest freezer inside the EVOLUTION FS-01/ FS-02 does not self-
defrost. The freezer chest requires maintenance when ice begins to affect the
vend cycle, product loading, or closing the freezer lid. The refrigeration system
does not require any maintenance. Depending on the location’s moisture level
(relative humidity) and frequency of operation, ice may accumulate inside the
Freezer above the level of the bins.
FASTCORP recommends keeping a plastic ice scraper (provided with the
machine), and a 9” by 11” piece of cardboard or plastic inside the machine. Place
the plastic under the area to be scraped to prevent the ice from falling into the
bins. This entire process should only take a few minutes. Wipe the area with a
clean dry towel after the frost has been removed. This process should be
repeated each time the Vendor is serviced to prevent large scale ice buildup that
will require a time consuming freezer defrost.
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