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The timer monitoring the Robot Arm expires.
A Robot Arm over-current condition occurs.
The Robot Arm Angular Sensors report inaccurate data.
When the intermediate cabinet position has been reached, Control advances to
the “Retrieve Product” state.
5. Retrieve Product:
“Retrieve Product” is similar to the “Retrieve Inside Cabinet” state. Control
directs the Robot Arm to reach a destination directly above the requested bin.
When the destination has been reached, Control will set a 5 second timer while
the Robot Arm pauses. The “pause state” will allow the Robot Arm to stabilize
before the Vacuum Pump descends into a bin.
6. Pause
After the Robot Arm stabilizes, power to the Vacuum Pump is slowly ramped up
until it is at the ideal level for product detection. A timer is set and the Z Motor is
engaged to descend into the bin. Control proceeds to the Z (Down) state.
7. Z Down
We wait for one of the following to occur:
An increase in current through the Vacuum Pump circuit indicates that
product has been detected.
Z Down timer expires.
Z Encoder Pulses are not detected or the signal is lost.
The Z Home Switch never goes inactive (open circuit).
The number of encoder pulses exceeds the bin depth.
If product contact is made, the Z Down Motor is halted and (following another
pause state to confirm product contact) a timer is set, a “slowdown point” is
calculated for the upward travel, a current value is calculated which represents a
dropped product and control proceeds to the Z Up state after engaging the Z
motor in the UP direction.
8. Z Up
The Vacuum Pump remains ON as it ascends with the product out of the bin.
Control waits for one of the following:
The Z Home Switch is detected (active).
Z Up timer expires.
Z Encoder Pulses are not detected or the signal is lost.
Current flow indicates a dropped product.
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