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Re-calibrating the Robot Arm
If the Robot Arm or VMC Board needs to be upgraded or changed, the Robot
Arm calibration will need to be erased and recalibrated. The arm may be
recalibrated without losing programmed information, but take care to follow the
instructions, precisely.
Press the VAC button on the Service Keypad to release the security locking
Go to the Service Menu and press the “*” key repeatedly until the display reads,
“4) Create Selection”.
Press and hold the Reset button
. The VMC will beep as
you hold the Reset button. The display will immediately read:
Continue holding the Reset button. The VMC will continue to beep. The display
will change to:
Arm Uncalibrated
Release the reset button and press the #-Yes button. You will be prompted to
“SET ARM AT LEFT WALL”. Position the arm shown in figure 9A in the previous
section. Press the “#” key to accept. Display will show “SELECTION STORED”
3) Now you will be prompted to “SET ARM AT DELIVERY”. Position the arm as
shown in figure 9B in the previous section. Press the “#” key to accept. Display
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