- 42
there will also be a boot loader program. Use the “*” key to scroll to the latest or
highest number version of the boot loader.
The boot loader version will be displayed in the “BOOTVxxx.bi2”
format, where “xxx” is the numeric revision number. For example,
7. Press the pound “#” key. The Display will read:
An LED status light on the right side of the board will start flashing rapidly. When
the process is complete, the display will read:
Update success.
Remove card…..
8. Do not remove the Micro SD card. Press down gently on the top and let go.
The card will slide up slightly in the sleeve. Leave the Micro SD card in the slot.
The Display will read:
The Display will change to read:
Out of Service
PROGRAM REVISION UPGRADE: (From Program Revision Prior to 119K)
9. The MICRO SD Card should still be in the Daughter Board slot. Gently, press
down, again, on the Micro SD card so that it locks into the slot. The Display will
scroll between the options on the Micro SD Card menu:
1- Load Config.
2- Save Config.
3- Load Firmware
4- Save DEX Sales
Use the “*” key to scroll through the menu and enter “3” to load new firmware.
10. Use the asterisk “*” key to scroll through the contents of the Micro SD card.
There may be more than one program version contained on the card. Use the “*”
key to scroll to the latest or highest number version.
The program version will be displayed in the “FC0xxxy.bi2” format,
where “xxx” is the numeric revision number and “y” is the alphabetic
revision suffix. For example, FC0120F.bi2.
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