A f f i n i t y 3 0 G e
Evo, Inc. | 8140 SW Nimbus Ave., Bldg 5 | Beaverton, Oregon 97008 USA
Phone 503.626.1802 | Fax 503.213.5869 | www.evoamerica.com | [email protected]
Outer Burner
Control Knob
Inner Burner
Control Knob
Inner Burner
Outer Burner
Control Display
with On/Off switch
Inner Burner and Inner Control Knob
- The Inner Burner is a 10” diameter gas fi red burner operating
. This burner is controlled by the Inner or center-most control knob. Temperatures are
adjustable from 250F° to 650F°. Starting at the Off position, the Inner Control Knob rotates 120-degrees
counterclockwise through 18 positions. Beginning at 250°F, temperatures increment at 250°F, 275°F,
300°F, 325°F, 350°F, 375°F, 400°F, 425°F, 450°F, 475°F, 500°F, 525°F, 550°F, 575°F, 600°F, 625°F,
Outer Burner and Outer Control Knob
- The Outer Burner is a 20” diameter gas fi red burner operating
. This burner is controlled by the Outer or outer-most control knob. Temperatures are
adjustable from 225°F to 700°F. Starting at the Off position, the Outer Control Knob rotates 120-degrees
counterclockwise through 18 positions. Beginning at 250°F, temperatures increment at 250°F, 275°F,
300°F, 325°F, 350°F, 375°F, 400°F, 425°F, 450°F, 475°F, 500°F, 525°F, 550°F, 575°F, 600°F, 625°F,
Either the Inner or the Outer burners may be used independently to support a wide range of cooking
techniques. Operating only the Inner burner provides direct temperature under the center of the
cook surface, with indirect heat at the outside edge that is useful for holding pre- and post-cooking
processes. Conversely only the Outer burner can be used for cooking foods that may be displayed
around the outside radius of the cooktop. Finally, both burners can be used together for maximum
surface temperature and cooking versatility.
Because the cook surface temperatures are electronically monitored to maintain a Set temperature,
surface temperature recovery is very fast, providing a wide range of surface temperature adjustment
and control.