9) Agent starts as a service under the account specified in step 6.
10) Agent establishes communication with its “mother” ERAS and downloads the corresponding install package on
TCP port 2224.
11) Agent installs the package under the administrator account defined in step 6; the corresponding .xml
configuration and command line parameters are also applied.
12) Immediately after the installation is complete, the agent sends a message back to ERAS. Some ESET solutions
require a reboot. If so, there will be a message regarding this requirement.
The context menu of the push install dialog window offers these options:
Get Info
This feature detects the current status of the ESET client solution on selected workstations (requires
Administrator user name and password). This feature uses the
Program removal – the agent tries to remotely uninstall the program. The
mode does not take into
consideration which package is selected from the
Checks the availability of clients and services to be used in remote install. For more information see diagnostics of
the remote install process.
Remove Installer Leftovers
Unregisters agents from the service manager on client workstation and removes them from the hard disk. If this
is completed successfully, the flag which prevents repeated installations of the package is removed (see section
6.4, “Avoiding repeated installations”).