Top Threats
List of the most frequently detected threats
Top Clients with most Threats
Lists the most “active” client workstations (in number of detected threats)
Threats Progress
Progress of malware events (number)
Threats Comparative Progress
Progress of malware events by selected threats (using filter) compared with the total number of malware
Threats By Scanner
Number of threat alerts from the individual program modules
Threats By Object
Number of threat alerts according to the way they attempted to infiltrate (emails, files, boot sectors)
Combined Top Clients / Top Threats
Combination of the above mentioned types
Combined Top Threats / Threats Progress
Combination of the above mentioned types
Combined Top Threats / Threats Comparative Progress
Combination of the above mentioned types
Clients Report
Threats Report
Events Report
Scans Report
Tasks Report
Typical reports that can be viewed in the Clients, Threat Log, Event Log, Scan Log or Tasks tab
Comprehensive Report
Summary of:
Combined Top Clients / Top Threats
Combined Top Threats / Threats Comparative Progress
Threats Progress
In the
section you can use the
Target clients
drop-down menus to select which clients or viruses will
be included in the report.
Other details can be configured by clicking the
Additional Settings...
button. These settings apply mostly to data in
the heading and in the types of graphical diagrams used. However, you can also filter data according to the status of
chosen attributes (show only clients with a “Protection State“ problem), as well as choose which report format will
be used (HTML, CSV).
tab - This tab allows you to define an interval for which the report will be generated:
Only events which occurred in a chosen time period will be included in the report – e.g., if a report is created
on Wednesday and the interval is set to
Current Week
, then the events from Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday will be included.
Only events which occurred in a chosen, closed period will be included in the report (for example, the entire
month of August, or a whole week – from Sunday to next Saturday). If the option
Add also the current period
selected, the report will include events from the last completed period up till the moment of creation.
We want to create a report including events from the last calendar week, i.e. from Sunday to next Saturday. We
want this report to be generated on the next Wednesday (after Saturday).
In the
tab, select
1 Weeks
. In the
tab set
and select
. The other settings can be configured according to the administrator‘s discretion.
Use this setting to define a period for which the report will be generated.
tab - This tab allows you to define and configure an automatic report in chosen time or intervals (Using
Using the
Run at
spin box and the
drop-down menu, enter the time and date when the report is to be generated.
Click the
Select Target...
button to specify where the report is to be saved. Reports can be saved to the ERA Server
(default), sent via email to a chosen address, or exported to a folder. The latter option is useful if the report is sent to
a shared folder on your organization‘s intranet where it can be can be viewed by other employees.
To send generated reports via email, you need to enter SMTP server and sender address information as described in
the Chapter 4.6 , “Configuring ERA Server using the Console.”
To define a fixed date range for the report-generation process, use the options in the
section. You can define